CMO Series – Athletic Brewing

David Sonn attended the Philly Ad Club’s CMO Series, featuring Andrew Katz. Andrew Katz is the CMO of Athletic Brewing, a top producer of craft, nonalcoholic beer.

Google’s Leaked Search Ranking Factors: What They Mean for SEO

A leaked Google document reveals critical search ranking factors, including the importance of clicks, backlinks, homepage quality, and content freshness, potentially changing the SEO landscape.

An Update on the State of Generative AI

Generative AI is rapidly evolving, impacting creativity and content production. This article examines its progress, explores the ethical implications, and provides insights into how companies can strategically adapt to this transformative technology.

The Invaluable Role of Schema Markup in Preparing for the Future of Generative AI Search

Learn how to enhance the schema markup on your website so you’re fully prepared for any upcoming advancements in generative AI search.

PubCon 2024 Minicap

May Rowland on the Arc SEO team was at PubCon 2024 when the major new Google algorithm update got announced. Read her recap of being amongst SEOs as this SEO shift was occurring.

To Say SEO is Dead Means You Don’t Understand

Is SEO dead? Even asking the question reveals a lack of understanding. Here’s an explanation of the business impact and why SEO has never been more important.

Unlocking Growth: Google Ad Features Boost Local Business

Learn how to leverage Google’s geo-targeted ad features for small businesses: location-based extensions, proximity targeting, and best practices.

‘Twas the Night AI Took Over the Arc Holiday Card

Happy holidays from the Arc team! Please enjoy our holiday message created with the help of AI.

Call Tracking: Revolutionizing Marketing Insights with Every Ring

Call tracking is a marketing tactic that can capture the source of incoming phone calls. Unique phone numbers can be placed on websites or added to online advertising, direct mail, and social media that when called, tracking software will capture the originating source.

Unveiling the Impact and Innovation AI Summit: Transforming the Future of Marketing

David Sonn’s recap of Impact and Innovation AI Summit.