Educate prospective customers unfamiliar with planning and pre-buying end-of-life needs about the financial value and peace of mind available.
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Everstory is a national owner and operator of cemeteries, funeral homes, and end-of-life planning services.
Educate prospective customers unfamiliar with planning and pre-buying end-of-life needs about the financial value and peace of mind available.
Since most people aren’t aware of this critical life planning need, Arc Intermedia needed to educate the audience where they were, with messaging beyond a simple headline. Their strategy included:
With a plan to strategically use content, we implemented the following steps:
Arc’s program drove significant content consumption. Education accompanied by brand value occurred externally of company properties, increasing perception of the messaging and providing lift for all other marketing efforts. It was an effective, top of the funnel strategy that increased brand awareness, and also drove website traffic with deeper engagement for the company and even lead to direct inquiries, both attributable as direct leads from the third-party sites as well as a source of repeat visits that converted from supporting marketing channels .
Fill out our form or call 610.225.1100 to get started today