Happy Howlidays and Meowy Christmas
Can you believe it? We just looked up from our desk to discover that the year is almost over. It feels like 2022 flew by in the blink of an eye, but not before providing the Arc team with a variety of things to be thankful for. This past year included numerous client successes, professional milestones for many of our employees, and company growth with the addition of Ryan Martin.
It has been a busy year full of hard work, although we’re not ready to put our out of office messages up quite yet. We are working diligently to ensure that all our clients finish 2022 strong, and are ready to take on the exciting new adventures that 2023 will surely bring. You may even say that this is our busiest time of year… similar to someone else who wears red and drives a 12 horse power sleigh. Yes, we are of course talking about Santa Paws – and like this hardworking individual, we would be nothing without our four legged associates. We’re sure you’ve seen them popping into calls, notifying us of important packages at the door, and checking to make sure we stay on task (and never skip lunch.)
We felt that, since we do all the talking during calls, we should use our seasonal greeting card to allow our dedicated support staff to wish you a happy howliday and a very meowy Christmas. Enjoy!